
The success of NRP 74 depends on a number of actors from research and the administration.

​​​The programme manager and the president of the Steering Committee are responsible for the operational management. The head of knowledge transfer communicates research results to target audiences. The representative of the Federal Administration and the representative of the Swiss Conference of the Cantonal Ministers of Public Health work with the Steering Committee and communicate results to the administration.

The Programmes division of the National Research Council is ultimately responsible for the NRP. The delegate of the Research Council and his deputy act as a link between the Research Council and the Steering Committee.

Steering Committee members:

  • Professor Milo Puhan, University of Zurich (President)
  • Prof. emeritus Bernard Burnand, Unisanté Lausanne (from August 2020 to September 2021)​​
  • Dr Penny Hollander Feldman, Center for Home Care Policy and Research Visiting Nurse Service of NY
  • Professor Steffen Flessa, Greifswald University, Germany
  • Professor Thomas Gächter, University of Zurich
  • Professor David C. Goodman, Dartmouth Medical School, USA
  • Professor Dr. Katharina Janus, Center for Healthcare Management, Paris, and Columbia University New York, USA
  • Professor Daniel Strech, Charité, Universitätsmedizin, Berlin (until August 2020)
  • Professor Michel Wensing, Radboud University Medical Centre, Netherlands
  • Professor Marcel Zwahlen, University of Bern

Delegates of division IV of the National Research Council:

  • Professor Manfred Max Bergman, University of Basel

Head of Knowledge Transfer:

  • Manuela Oetterli, Interface, Luzern

Representative of the Federal Administration:

  • Herbert Brunold, Federal Office of Public Health FOPH, Head of Evaluation and Research Service (since October 2020)
  • Dr Stefan Spycher, Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), Vice Director and Head of Health Policy Directorate (until October 2020)

Representative of the Swiss Conference of the Cantonal Ministers of Public Health CMPH):

  • Dr. med. MPH Christos Pouskoulas, Cantonal Physician in the Canton of Schwyz (since June 2021)
  • Dr. med. MPH Peter Indra, Head of the Health care services, Department of Health, Canton Basel-Stadt (until June 2021)

Programme manager:​

  • Stephanie Schönholzer (since April 2021)
  • Kathrin Peter (until April 2021)